We have all been there and done that. Every one of us is familiar with that feeling. That feeling at the bottom of the heart, the feeling that makes the heart rise and the mind run miles. To choose to love the life we live without comparing it with someone else's. We all live under the same sky but none of our life experiences are similar.
'Oubaitori' is a Japanese word which teaches us how to 'not compare oneself with others'. It is a way of living where people accept the fact that each flower blossoms during its season. Similar to a person’s life, where each individual is unique and leads life in a different way.
One person might need coffee to function while another hates the smell of it. One might find solace in the rain while another person could hate the rain with a passion. Our preferences are different, and so are our opinions. Then how could one complain about not having what another person has. No, you don't want to go out to get ice cream at night like your friend's friend. You are happy with having instant noodles in your bed. Your distant cousin is not even living the way you think she might be. You would not like going on long rides at night like your peers do. The degree you are pursuing has a purpose that is meant for you. Do not try to make decisions for a version of yourself you don't know yet.
It is important to live in the moment. One might never know but this phase of their life might become the best part of their life in the future. And sometimes the person one compares themselves with might also be doing the same thing with someone else. But the last time we all had collectively similar life experiences was when we were chasing butterflies in the middle of the street as children.
People accomplish many things in their life because it is meant to happen to them. It will happen to every person when their time comes. We will all grow but at our own pace.

Each boat might move at different speeds but they are all in the same water.