Mr. Nishant Ravi, Founder, Wildlife Portal of India, giving Snake Day Talk on World Snake Day to the extension activity club students
15 June 2023: The Extension Activity clubs in Women's Christian College help students develop a better understanding of society and nature, and to raise a new generation that is more socially responsible and environmentally conscious.
Within four weeks of the start of the academic year, the four extension activity clubs of the college, National Service Scheme (NSS), Young Indians(YI), Eco Club and Rotaract Club have started conducting various activities for the students. The events range from poster making to documentary film screening and talk sessions that are presided over by guest speakers. The clubs started the year with orientation programmes that helped students know about the purpose and functioning of the respective clubs they are in.
The clubs conducted various events like poster and placard making, online quiz and talk sessions as a part of celebrating days like International Yoga Day, International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, World Population Day and Snake Day. Besides, there have been talk sessions on Empowering Girl Children conducted by an NGO, Nirnayam, and inspiring life stories of leaders from the Disability Community, Able Aura.
One of the NSS volunteers said, "There is always something we keep doing to help people in need and WCC is a place that keeps you aware of the things that are happening in society. Furthermore, the certificate you get at the end of the year could benefit you in many ways in future".
The initiative for these events is taken by both the staff and student coordinators of the clubs who are also helped by the office bearers of the clubs who organise each of these events.