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Extension Activities: an invaluable segment of student experience in WCC

Extension activities have always played an important role in students’ learning and relearning on the grounds of Women’s Christian College. It helps sculpt minds, develop emotional intelligence and nurture empathy in students.

The Eco club, National Service Scheme (NSS), Young Indians (YI) and Rotaract club, conduct various activities and events throughout the year that result in enriching the members’ knowledge, social skills and perspectives.

Fig 1: Pictures taken during the Vada Chennai survey

06 Aug: A socio-economic survey was conducted by the Tamil Nadu Urban Habitat Development Board, Government of Tamil Nadu, with the help of students from WCC and MCC. The “Vada Chennai Valarchi Thittam '' aims for socio-economic development of residents of North Chennai. Hence, the need for a comprehensive survey to identify and rectify gaps in the physical and social infrastructure in north Chennai was felt. The survey covered personal details of residents, access to health care, education, drinking water, sewerage, solid waste management, and multi-modal transport. About 500 students, from both shifts 1 and 2, helped conduct this survey. Certificates were given to the participants.

Fig 2: Screening of the documentary, “Elephant Whisperers”

16 Aug: In honour of World Elephant Day, Eco Club screened the Oscar award-winning documentary “Elephant Whisperers”. Students of all extension clubs from all three years were invited to attend this screening and had a delightful experience.

Fig 3: Pictures taken during Manipur Silent procession

19 Aug: Manipur Silent procession was conducted to protest the painful ethnic violence and riots in Manipur, and in particular, the sexual assault of women. Students of all extension clubs joined this silent procession from CSI Peranbar church to Loyola college. In front of Loyola College, students formed a human chain and created awareness through placards and charts made by them. This silent procession was conducted to raise awareness, express solidarity, and protest against the injustice to women of the Kuki tribe.

Fig 4: Eye Donation Awareness

31 Aug: A human chain was formed in collaboration with Sankara Nethralaya Hospital, and students from all extension activities attended this event to raise awareness among the general public and persuade them to opt for eye donation. The initiative was to help people who require a new pair of eyes.

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