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New college, new hope: WCC welcomes freshers

Women's Christian College welcomed freshers to the new academic year on 20 June 2023, with first year students of both undergraduate and postgraduate streams attending an orientation programme at Lucy Peabody Hall. The Principal, Dr Lilian I Jasper and the Vice Principal, Ms P Lizzie Angelina were the main speakers of the day. The student senate of the college also attended the event. After the programme, students were taken to their respective departments to complete their registration procedure. Resident students had their hostel allotment on the same day at the Warden's office.

The orientation programme also introduced the students to the clubs, activities and societies in college. A short performance was put up by each club during the event. The Indian Music Club, Western Dance Club and Literary and Debate Club were some of the clubs that caught the interest of the crowd. Many students showed enthusiasm in joining these clubs, for which auditions would be held shortly. “I am so impressed about how college gives me numerous opportunities for growth. These chances cannot be missed,” said a fresher. Forthcoming college events like Dramuda, Mount Holyoke Fest, Food Fair, Festeve and many more, are sure to excite the newcomers. Senior students and faculty were also excited to meet the freshers. “It may seem difficult at first, but a positive approach can make it easier. I wish my juniors a happy college life and a warm welcome to WCC,” said a senior student.

The student senate led a campus tour where they introduced freshers to the lush green college campus and the imposing buildings. The mighty Science Block and Doveton House, as always, remained a wonder for many. Apart from this, freshers were given separate orientation about library and sports facilities among others, by the respective faculty. Every department had its own orientation programme too, where both the faculty members and courses were introduced to students.

The college strives to ensure that all students adhere to the rules and regulations of WCC. At the same time, WCC provides a holistic space for academic as well as personal growth for students. It was on this note that the college extended a warm welcome to the students for a fruitful academic year.

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