The trials for the sports teams of Women's Christian College for the year 2023 - 2024 were conducted during the month of June over four days. The trials were conducted for the students of year 1 and interested students from the 2nd and 3rd year.
The trials for Badminton, Table Tennis and Chess were conducted on Thursday, the 22nd of June and the trials for Cricket, Football and Handball were conducted on Friday, the 23rd of June, 2023. The following week the trials for Throwball, Volleyball, Ball Badminton and Athletics were held.
The students were requested to bring their own sports kits and appropriate gear for the trials. The selection process was monitored by the Directors of the Physical Education Department.
The Physical Education Department of WCC trains the students in different games and athletics with the assistance of qualified coaches, thus helping them to reach great heights. The Chairperson of Games (Shift 2) Ms Chrislin Celshiya S has recounted that she has profited remarkably from the sports facilities available in the college, including the gym. She has also pointed out that the staff and the trainers are very supportive and that they encourage students’ participation in sports.
In addition to this, the Department also conducts a Compulsory Physical Education course for the students of Year 1 every academic year. The classes for this academic year, 2023-2024, commenced on 22 July 2023. Various activities including Aerobics, Basic Functional Training, Dance Fitness, Taichi, Traditional Dance, Cardio Fusion Dance, Yoga and Silambam are included as part of this course.
The college has taken several initiatives by providing the Department with an indoor basketball court, an outdoor playground and a gym. A tennis court was constructed for the college last academic year. The gym has also been recently refurbished with new equipment.