In today’s fast-paced world, the food most people consume is adulterated and unsustainably sourced and manufactured. Wanting to bring about a change in this scenario, an alumna of the Department of English, WCC, Mariyam Bareeraa, launched Ambrosia - a brand of organic and healthy products - along with her brother. Since its inception, this online venture has introduced a range of organic honey and coconut products that can make a quality difference to our diet. In this interview, Mariyam speaks about the need for adopting more sustainable and eco-friendly practices in sourcing food and how, what she learnt, brought her to where she is today.
How did you get the idea for your brand?
My brother and I came up with this brand at our father’s suggestion. Honey is a food that never goes to waste, has medicinal uses, and does not have any negative effects. But honey that is sold in the market is often adulterated, and sourced and processed in an unsustainable manner. I firmly believe that “a healthy outside starts from the inside”, which is another reason I started this business. I wanted a genuine and healthy food product that I can inculcate in my daily diet, and recommend to others.
The term ‘organic’ has become a buzzword that doesn’t have much meaning today. How do you stand out from the crowd?
People have advised me to get more investors so my products become more mainstream, but I have refused because then I will be expected to produce at a rate that is neither practical nor sustainable. I even received an offer from a large beverage company in Kerala, but I turned it down for similar reasons. My company may be small, but I have a group of faithful clients to cater to. In addition to this, I make use of sustainable and eco-friendly materials and practices in all the processes involved, from the sourcing of the raw materials to the packaging. I do this because I believe “you’re responsible for what you’re producing”.
Has there been any change in most industries today with regard to adopting sustainable and eco-friendly practices?
In my opinion, the motive of any business is to have commercial gains, no matter how big or small. But we have to understand the extent to which a business is willing to go to achieve that. We especially need to be sensitive when it concerns the exploitation of people and the environment. An example of this is the allegations against the fashion brand Zara, regarding the exploitation of the Uyghur Muslims and deforestation of the Amazon rainforest. But we also need to realise that it is our fast-paced and materialistic lifestyle that fuel the decisions these brands make. So, if we wish to see any changes in the market, there needs to be a change in our way of life.
If you had a chance to start your career all over again, is there anything you would do differently?
I think I would allow myself to relax a bit more. I was simultaneously working and pursuing my higher studies, so I wouldn’t allow myself to even enjoy the small moments that would bring me joy or relaxation. If I had to do anything differently, it would be trying to achieve a work-life balance along with everything else I have done.
You believe that ‘whatever you learn will never go to waste.’ Can you give an instance from your life that describes this notion?
So, when I was in WCC, in my third year I volunteered to be the class rep. I was a very quiet person and did not talk to many people at the time. However, I was willing to take up the responsibility of managing seventy students in class. Doing that helped me realise I had potential to manage people and organise things efficiently, which I later used in my business. Being the class rep also taught me how to interact with different people. This is one of the reasons why I believe that “whatever you learn will never go to waste.”
For some people, the notion of attempting something new can feel very daunting. What advice would you give to them?
I would say when you do something new, it always feels scary. Nevertheless, it is important to still go forward with it. For instance, when you first join college, everything is new and at the time, you don’t know the people around you. But you soon settle down and get a new circle of friends. It is similar to that. It is important to try out multiple things and see what works for you. Even if you get things wrong the first time, do not lose belief in yourself because that is what helps you go forward.